Packaging and Distributing

Now that you've successfully created and tested your Super it's time to package for the Elgato Marketplace.

Upload to Elgato Marketplace

Your Supers zip file should contain:

  • 📁 Your

    • 📄 *Your Super*.lua

    • 🖼️ *Your Super Thumbnail*.png

    • 📄 supers_style.css

    • 📄 script.js

    • 🔵 index.html

  1. Compress your Supers folder into a .zip file.

  2. Upload it to the Elgato Marketplace.

  3. Provide a Support Link for customer queries.


As a Maker for the Elgato Marketplace, you are responsible for updating your products to the latest frameworks and ensuring your customers have a way to contact your support. Include a support link where customers can contact you for issues and questions related to your Super.

You've successfully created a custom Super for OBS and the Elgato Marketplace! Thank you for contributing to the fun and creative world of content creators!

Happy Creating!

Last updated