Become a Maker
Got an idea? Share it with the Elgato community and reach millions of new customers. Set your own price, build your brand, and earn cash across the globe.
A Maker is anyone who creates for Marketplace, and we believe everyone can be a Maker!

The Maker logo.
Supported Products
You are able to submit any of the following products for listing on Marketplace.
- Stream Deck
- Icon Packs
- Plugins
- Profiles
- Screensavers
- Stream Packages
- Stream Alerts, Counters, Supers, and Widgets
- Camera Backgrounds
- Audio Presets and Audio Effects
- 3D Print (STL) files for Elgato Products.
You can now submit your Stream Deck Icon Packs and Plugins via Maker Console!
For products other than Stream Deck Icon Packs and Plugins, you can submit your products to us by emailing with the subject "New Maker Submission", and the following information:
- Your name or organization's name
- Product title
- Description
- Product file(s)
- Product price (optional)
- Thumbnail and gallery images
- Files and support links to the product you want to list
- Your country of residence
Please ensure you specify your preferred listing currency when submitting paid products, for example USD, GBP, EUR, etc.
All products submitted to Marketplace are reviewed by our team. To ensure a seamless review process, it is recommended to use a file hosting provider when sharing your product's file with us, such as one of the following:
- Google Drive
- Sharepoint
- GitHub
If you have more than one product to list, please let us know in the submission. Someone on the Elgato Marketplace team will review your submission in the coming weeks and get back to you about the next steps.
For Makers wishing to sell paid products on Marketplace; due to limitations with Stripe Connect, we are unable to onboard Makers from the following countries:
- Brazil
- India
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
Makers wishing to publish free products are free to do so without limitation.
Marketplace availability in restricted countries
Due to legal requirements and payment processing limitations, Marketplace is currently inaccessible in the following countries:
- Bahrain
- Cuba
- Donetsk People's Republic
- Iran
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Luhansk People's Republic
- North Korea
- Oman
- Syria
- Tunisia
For more information or questions, please contact us.
Maker FAQ
What is the payout split with Elgato?
Marketplace operates on a 70/30 payment split, wherein you, the product owner, take 70% and Elgato takes 30%. For more information on payouts, please refer to our Stripe Connect page.
Does Elgato own my images / software once I list them with on Marketplace?
No. Your remain the owner of all intellectual property you publish on Marketplace, and Elgato does not take ownership.
Can I still list my products in my store, Etsy, or elsewhere?
Yes. You may list your items elsewhere while you have them listed on Marketplace. We ask that you keep consistent pricing across all platforms.
Can I sell my Stream Deck plugin?
We do not yet offer DRM protections for Stream Deck plugins. Paid plugins go through an additional review phase. Please reach out to our team to learn more about selling plugins.
I need assistance. How do I get in touch with someone at Elgato?
Join the Marketplace Makers Discord Server to receive the latest Maker-related announcements, meet other Makers, ask developer questions, and get help creating products for the Stream Deck. You can also email us directly at