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streamdeck pack

Packages a Stream Deck plugin into a distributable installation file.


streamdeck pack [options] [path]

  path                  Path of the plugin to pack

  --dry-run             "Generates a report without creating a package (default: false)"
  -f|--force            "Forces saving, overwriting an package if it exists (default: false)"
  -o|--output <output>  "Specifies the path for the output directory"
  --version <version>   "Plugin version; value will be written to the manifest"
  --force-update-check  "Forces an update check (default: false)"
  --no-update-check     "Disables updating schemas"

alias: bundle


Creates a .streamDeckPlugin installer file allowing your plugin to be distributed. The plugin must pass validation prior to bundling.

By default, all files within the specified path are included except .git, /.env*, *.log, and * directories and files. To specify directories or files that should be ignored, a .sdignore file can be created in the root of the plugin, i.e. alongside the manifest, using .gitignore specification.


Create a .streamDeckPlugin file of the plugin located in com.elgato.test.sdPlugin/, writing the packaged file to a dist/ folder:

streamdeck pack com.elgato.test.sdPlugin/ --output dist/

Create a .streamDeckPlugin file of the current working directory, specifying a new version of the plugin.

streamdeck pack --version ""

Generate a report of packaging the plugin in the current working directory, without creating a .streamDeckPlugin file.

streamdeck pack --dry-run



  • Default: false
  • Type: Boolean

Generates a report without creating a package.


  • Default: false
  • Type: Boolean

Determines whether to overwrite the existing .streamDeckPlugin file if one already exists at the specified output directory.


  • Default: false
  • Type: Boolean

Forces an update check of new validation rules; by default, an update check will occur once a day. Cannot be used in conjunction with --no-update-check.


  • Default: false
  • Type: Boolean

Prevents an update check of new validation rules. This configuration option is recommended when using the CLI as part of a build pipeline. Cannot be used in conjunction with --force-update-check.

-o|--output <output>

  • Default: cwd
  • Type: String

Specifies the path for the output directory where the .streamDeckPlugin file will be created.

--version <version>

  • Default: undefined
  • Type: String (semver)

Plugin version; value will be written to the manifest's Version property prior to packaging the plugin.

See also