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Plugin Images & Layouts

The following style guide outlines the guidelines that your Stream Deck plugin's iconography and imagery must conform to when publishing on Marketplace.

Supporting high DPI

When using rasterized image files you must provide two sizes to support high DPI monitors. The high DPI image file must be named with an @2x suffix, for example, the image image.png must have a the high DPI variant named image@2x.png.


Your plugin's icon, visible within Stream Deck preferences pane, must adhere to the following guidelines.


Plugin icon, 288 × 288 px and 576 × 576 px (high DPI).


  • Do:use PNG format.
  • Do:accurately portray what your plugin does.
  • Don't:infringe copyright.
  • Don't:use offensive imagery.


Category and action icons within the action list supports both vectorized (SVG) and rasterized (PNG) image files, with SVG being the recommended format to provide optimal scaling.


Category icon example

Category icon, 28 × 28 px — and 46 × 46 px (high DPI) when using rasterized images.

Action icon example

Action icon, 20 × 20 px — and 40 × 40 px (high DPI) when using rasterized images.


  • Do:use SVG or PNG format.
  • Do:use monochromatic color scheme, with a transparent background.
  • Do:

    use white stroke, #FFFFFF, for action list icons.

    Action list, category icon

    Good — Monochromatic category icon with white stroke

    Action list, action icon

    Good — Monochromatic action icon with white stroke; auto-adjusted by Stream Deck

  • Do:provide high-DPI variants when using rasterized images (PNG).
  • Don't:

    use colors to style action list icons.

    Action list icon with color

    Bad — Action lists icons with color

  • Don't:

    use solid backgrounds on action list icons.

    Action list icon with solid background

    Bad — Action list icons with a solid background


  • Recommended:SVG — scale well on all devices and layouts.
  • Not recommended:PNG — rasterized images may not scale well.

Key Icons

Key icons, represented as state images within the manifest, can be vectorized (SVG) or rasterized (PNG) images, with SVG being the recommended format to provide optimal scaling.

In addition to static images, animated (GIF) images may also be specified within the manifest, but cannot be used when programmatically updating actions.


Key icon, 72 × 72 px — and 144 × 144 px (high DPI) when using rasterized images.

Updating programmatically

When updating key icons programmatically only one image size can be supplied. For rasterized images, it is recommended to provide an image that uses the higher DPI dimensions; Stream Deck will scale the image down accordingly.


  • Do:use SVG, PNG, or GIF format.
  • Do:

    use states effectively — update icons when a state associated with the action changes, for example the associated smart light is turned on / off.


  • Recommended:

    SVG — vectorized images allow you to provide visually appealing dynamic keys, for example charts and meters.

  • Recommended:

    positional awareness — consider grouping actions based on their coordinates to provide new levels of interactions.

    Good — Volume Controller's action act as an interactive slider when actions are paired together.

  • Not recommended:

    programmatic flooding — keys are not intended for rendering high frame rate videos; limit programmatic calls to a maximum of 10 per second.


Touch strip layouts found on Stream Deck + support providing rich feedback in the form of elements, and allow for touch and hold interaction. The following should be considered when using layouts.


Touch strip layout, 200 × 100 px

Layout boundary

All elements within a layout must be within the bounds of the layout; if an element exceeds the bounds, the layout will fail to load.


  • Do:

    use accessible touch size — interactive elements should be accessible, and have a touch size of at least 35 × 35 px.


  • Recommended:

    built-in layouts — where suitable, consider using pre-defined layouts.

  • Recommended:partial updates — utilize elements effectively to update portions of layouts.
  • Recommended:responsive — elements should update promptly when the state associated with the action changes.
  • Not recommended:

    lots of touchable elements — space on the touch strip is limited, and cramped elements can be difficult for users with accessibility requirements.

  • Not recommended:

    programmatic flooding — touch strips are not intended for rendering high frame rate videos; limit programmatic calls to a maximum of 10 per second.


Stream Deck SDK enables your plugin to provide feedback to the user when an action (or operation) succeeds or fails.


  • Do:

    use showAlert to inform the user when an action was unsuccessful. Also applicable to dials.


  • Recommended:

    use showOk to inform the user of success when there is no visual indicator, for example a file was written or request was sent.

  • Not recommended:

    duplicate success indicators — for actions that have visual indication of success, for example a light changing and the action's state updating, showOk is unnecessary.


Use logging to record information, specifically when issues occur, to assist with diagnosing potential problems.