Device Specific Layouts
To create layouts tailored to specific Stream Deck models, such as the Stream Deck Neo, you can check the device type and return the corresponding view. Similarly, you can handle individual key or dial indices to provide specific views for certain elements.
The following example demonstrates how to create and return different StreamDeckLayout
s for various Stream Deck models and specific keys or dials.
import StreamDeckKit
import SwiftUI
struct DeviceSpecificStreamDeckLayout: View {
@Environment(\.streamDeckViewContext.device) var streamDeck
var body: some View {
// To provide Stream Deck Device specific layouts, check for the product type, for example:
switch {
case .mini: StreamDeckMiniUI()
case .regular: StreamDeckRegularUI()
case .xl: StreamDeckXLUI()
case .neo: StreamDeckNeoUI()
case .plus: StreamDeckPlusUI()
case .pedal: StreamDeckPedalUI()
default: StreamDeckRegularUI()
struct StreamDeckPlusUI: View {
var body: some View {
StreamDeckLayout {
StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout { keyIndex in
// To provide different key views, check for the key index, for example:
switch keyIndex {
case 0:
StreamDeckKeyView { pressed in
print("pressed \(pressed) at index \(keyIndex)")
} content: {
Text("I love 🍿!")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
case 1:
StreamDeckKeyView { pressed in
print("pressed \(pressed) at index \(keyIndex)")
} content: {
Text("I love 🍪!")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
StreamDeckKeyView { pressed in
print("pressed \(pressed) at index \(keyIndex)")
} content: {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.background {
} windowArea: {
StreamDeckDialAreaLayout { dialIndex in
// To provide different dial views, check for the key index, for example:
switch dialIndex {
case 0:
StreamDeckDialView { rotations in
print("dial rotated \(rotations)")
} press: { pressed in
print("pressed \(pressed)")
} touch: { location in
print("touched at \(location)")
} content: {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.background(Color(white: Double(dialIndex) / 5 + 0.5))
StreamDeckDialView { rotations in
print("dial rotated \(rotations)")
} press: { pressed in
print("pressed \(pressed)")
} touch: { location in
print("touched at \(location)")
} content: {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.background(Color(white: Double(dialIndex) / 5 + 0.5))
struct StreamDeckMiniUI: View {
var body: some View {
StreamDeckLayout {
StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout { _ in
struct StreamDeckRegularUI: View {
var body: some View {
StreamDeckLayout {
StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout { _ in
.background {
struct StreamDeckNeoUI: View {
var body: some View {
StreamDeckLayout {
StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout { _ in
.background {
} windowArea: {
struct StreamDeckXLUI: View {
var body: some View {
StreamDeckLayout {
StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout { _ in
.background {
struct StreamDeckPedalUI: View {
var body: some View {
// Even though the Stream Deck Pedal doesn't have UI, you react to key presses the same way as for the other devices
StreamDeckLayout {
StreamDeckKeyAreaLayout { keyIndex in
switch keyIndex {
case 0:
StreamDeckKeyView { pressed in
print("pressed \(pressed) - left key")
} content: { Color.clear }
case 1:
StreamDeckKeyView { pressed in
print("pressed \(pressed) - center key")
} content: { Color.clear }
case 2:
StreamDeckKeyView { pressed in
print("pressed \(pressed) - right key")
} content: { Color.clear }
default: fatalError("This should never happen")