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Stream Deck provides an API for distributing plugins as native console apps, for example those written in C++, C#, etc, with communication being handled by a dedicated WebSocket connection.


Creating native plugins is an advanced technique, and is not recommended. Instead, consider using the Stream Deck SDK with Node.js native addons.


In order to establish a connection with Stream Deck, your plugin must first register itself using a unique identifier. The information required to establish the connection is provided as a command line parameter, along with:

-portThe port the WebSocket is running on.
-infoA serialized JSON string that contains information about Stream Deck, Stream Deck devices, and your plugin. See RegistrationInfo.
-pluginUUIDYour plugin's unique registration identifier.
‑registerEventName of the registration event.

Upon startup, your plugin must connect to the WebSocket on the specified -port, and send a registration message as a JSON serialized string in the following format:

Registration event type
type RegisterEvent = {
	event: string; // -registerEvent parameter
	uuid: string; // -pluginUUID parameter


Information about the Stream Deck application, the plugin, the user's operating system, user's Stream Deck devices, etc.

type RegistrationInfo = {
    application: {
        font: string;
        language: "de" | "en" | "es" | "fr" | "ja" | "ko" | "zh_CN";
        platform: "mac" | "windows";
        platformVersion: string;
        version: string;
    colors: {
        buttonMouseOverBackgroundColor: string;
        buttonPressedBackgroundColor: string;
        buttonPressedBorderColor: string;
        buttonPressedTextColor: string;
        highlightColor: string;
    devicePixelRatio: number;
    devices: {
        id: string;
        name: string;
        size: {
            columns: number;
            rows: number;
        type: DeviceType;
    plugin: {
        uuid: string;
        version: string;
application: objectRequired

Stream Deck application specific information.

font: stringRequired

Font being used by the Stream Deck application.

language: "de" | "en" | "es" | "fr" | "ja" | "ko" | "zh_CN"Required

Users preferred language; this is used by the Stream Deck application for localization.

platform: "mac" | "windows"Required

Operating system.

platformVersion: stringRequired

Operating system version, e.g. "10" for Windows 10.

version: stringRequired

Stream Deck application version.

colors: objectRequired

Collection of preferred colors used by the Stream Deck.

buttonMouseOverBackgroundColor: stringRequired

Color that denotes the background of a button that is being moused over.

buttonPressedBackgroundColor: stringRequired

Color that denotes the background of a pressed button.

buttonPressedBorderColor: stringRequired

Color that denotes the border of a press button.

buttonPressedTextColor: stringRequired

Color that denotes the text of a pressed button.

highlightColor: stringRequired

Color of highlighted text.

devicePixelRatio: numberRequired

Pixel ratio, used to identify if the Stream Deck application is running on a high DPI screen.

devices: object[]Required

Devices associated with the Stream Deck application; this may include devices that are not currently connected. Use "deviceDidConnect" event to determine which devices are active.

plugin: objectRequired

Information about the plugin.

uuid: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the plugin, as defined by the plugin.

version: stringRequired

Version of the plugin.


Plugins can receive the following events from Stream Deck via their WebSocket connection.


Occurs when a monitored application is launched. Monitored applications can be defined in the manifest.json file via the Manifest.ApplicationsToMonitor property. See also ApplicationDidTerminate.

type ApplicationDidLaunch = {
    event: "applicationDidLaunch";
    payload: {
        application: string;
event: "applicationDidLaunch"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: objectRequired

Payload containing information about the application that triggered the event.

application: stringRequired

Name of the application that triggered the event.


Occurs when a monitored application terminates. Monitored applications can be defined in the manifest.json file via the Manifest.ApplicationsToMonitor property. See also ApplicationDidLaunch.

type ApplicationDidTerminate = {
    event: "applicationDidTerminate";
    payload: {
        application: string;
event: "applicationDidTerminate"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: objectRequired

Payload containing information about the application that triggered the event.

application: stringRequired

Name of the application that triggered the event.


Occurs when a Stream Deck device is connected. See also DeviceDidDisconnect.

type DeviceDidConnect = {
    device: string;
    deviceInfo: {
        name: string;
        size: {
            columns: number;
            rows: number;
        type: DeviceType;
    event: "deviceDidConnect";
device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

deviceInfo: DeviceInfoRequired

Information about the newly connected device.

name: stringRequired

Name of the device, as specified by the user in the Stream Deck application.

size: SizeRequired

Number of action slots, excluding dials / touchscreens, available to the device.

columns: numberRequired

Number of columns available on the Stream Deck device.

rows: numberRequired

Number of rows available on the Stream Deck device.

type: DeviceTypeRequired

Type of the device that was connected, e.g. Stream Deck +, Stream Deck Pedal, etc. See DeviceType.

event: "deviceDidConnect"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.


Occurs when a Stream Deck device is disconnected. See also DeviceDidConnect.

type DeviceDidDisconnect = {
    device: string;
    event: "deviceDidDisconnect";
device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "deviceDidDisconnect"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.


Occurs when the user presses a dial (Stream Deck +). See also DialUp.

NB: For other action types see KeyDown.

type DialDown = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "dialDown";
    payload: {
        controller: "Encoder";
        coordinates: {
            column: number;
            row: number;
        settings: JsonObject;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "dialDown"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: EncoderPayloadRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

controller: "Encoder"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of the action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.


Occurs when the user rotates a dial (Stream Deck +).

type DialRotate = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "dialRotate";
    payload: {
        controller: "Encoder";
        coordinates: {
            column: number;
            row: number;
        pressed: boolean;
        settings: JsonObject;
        ticks: number;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "dialRotate"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: objectRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

controller: "Encoder"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of the action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

pressed: booleanRequired

Determines whether the dial was pressed whilst the rotation occurred.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

ticks: numberRequired

Number of ticks the dial was rotated; this can be a positive (clockwise) or negative (counter-clockwise) number.


Occurs when the user releases a pressed dial (Stream Deck +). See also DialDown.

NB: For other action types see KeyUp.

type DialUp = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "dialUp";
    payload: {
        controller: "Encoder";
        coordinates: {
            column: number;
            row: number;
        settings: JsonObject;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "dialUp"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: EncoderPayloadRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

controller: "Encoder"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of the action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

Occurs when Stream Deck receives a deep-link message intended for the plugin. The message is re-routed to the plugin, and provided as part of the payload. One-way deep-link message can be routed to the plugin using the URL format streamdeck://plugins/message/<PLUGIN_UUID>/{MESSAGE}.

type DidReceiveDeepLink = {
    event: "didReceiveDeepLink";
    payload: {
        url: string;
event: "didReceiveDeepLink"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: objectRequired

Payload containing information about the URL that triggered the event.

url: stringRequired

The deep-link URL, with the prefix omitted.


Occurs when the plugin receives the global settings from the Stream Deck.

type DidReceiveGlobalSettings = {
    event: "didReceiveGlobalSettings";
    payload: {
        settings: JsonObject;
event: "didReceiveGlobalSettings"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information about the event that occurred.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Global settings associated with this plugin.


Occurs when a payload was received from the UI.

type DidReceivePropertyInspectorMessage = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    event: "sendToPlugin";
    payload: JsonValue;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

event: "sendToPlugin"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: JsonValueRequired

Contextualized information for this event.


Occurs when the settings associated with an action instance are requested, or when the the settings were updated by the property inspector.

type DidReceiveSettings = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "didReceiveSettings";
        | {
              controller: "Keypad";
              isInMultiAction: true;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
        | {
              controller: "Encoder" | "Keypad";
              coordinates: {
                  column: number;
                  row: number;
              isInMultiAction: false;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "didReceiveSettings"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: MultiActionPayload | SingleActionPayloadRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

One of:

controller: "Keypad"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

NB: Requires Stream Deck 6.5 for WillAppear and WillDisappear events.

isInMultiAction: trueRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.

controller: ControllerRequired

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of an action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

isInMultiAction: falseRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.


Occurs when the user presses a action down. See also KeyUp.

NB: For dials / touchscreens see DialDown.

type KeyDown = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "keyDown";
        | {
              controller: "Keypad";
              isInMultiAction: true;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
              userDesiredState: number;
        | {
              controller: "Keypad";
              coordinates: {
                  column: number;
                  row: number;
              isInMultiAction: false;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "keyDown"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: MultiActionKeyGesturePayload | SingleActionPayloadRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

One of:

controller: "Keypad"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

NB: Requires Stream Deck 6.5 for WillAppear and WillDisappear events.

isInMultiAction: trueRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.

userDesiredState: numberRequired

Desired state as specified by the user; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file, and when this action instance is part of a multi-action.

controller: "Keypad"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of an action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

isInMultiAction: falseRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.


Occurs when the user releases a pressed action. See also KeyDown.

NB: For dials / touchscreens see DialUp.

type KeyUp = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "keyUp";
        | {
              controller: "Keypad";
              isInMultiAction: true;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
              userDesiredState: number;
        | {
              controller: "Keypad";
              coordinates: {
                  column: number;
                  row: number;
              isInMultiAction: false;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "keyUp"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: MultiActionKeyGesturePayload | SingleActionPayloadRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

One of:

controller: "Keypad"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

NB: Requires Stream Deck 6.5 for WillAppear and WillDisappear events.

isInMultiAction: trueRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.

userDesiredState: numberRequired

Desired state as specified by the user; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file, and when this action instance is part of a multi-action.

controller: "Keypad"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of an action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

isInMultiAction: falseRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.


Occurs when the property inspector associated with the action becomes visible, i.e. the user selected an action in the Stream Deck application. See also PropertyInspectorDidDisappear.

type PropertyInspectorDidAppear = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "propertyInspectorDidAppear";
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "propertyInspectorDidAppear"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.


Occurs when the property inspector associated with the action becomes invisible, i.e. the user unselected the action in the Stream Deck application. See also PropertyInspectorDidAppear.

type PropertyInspectorDidDisappear = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "propertyInspectorDidDisappear";
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "propertyInspectorDidDisappear"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.


Occurs when the computer wakes up.

type SystemDidWakeUp = {
    event: "systemDidWakeUp";
event: "systemDidWakeUp"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.


Occurs when the user updates an action's title settings in the Stream Deck application.

type TitleParametersDidChange = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "titleParametersDidChange";
    payload: {
        controller: "Encoder" | "Keypad";
        coordinates: {
            column: number;
            row: number;
        settings: JsonObject;
        state?: number;
        title: string;
        titleParameters: {
            fontFamily: string;
            fontSize: number;
            fontStyle: "" | "Bold Italic" | "Bold" | "Italic" | "Regular";
            fontUnderline: boolean;
            showTitle: boolean;
            titleAlignment: "bottom" | "middle" | "top";
            titleColor: string;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "titleParametersDidChange"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: objectRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

controller: ControllerRequired

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of an action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.

title: stringRequired

Title of the action, as specified by the user or dynamically by the plugin.

titleParameters: objectRequired

Defines aesthetic properties that determine how the title should be rendered.

fontFamily: stringRequired

Font-family the title will be rendered with.

fontSize: numberRequired

Font-size the title will be rendered in.

fontStyle: "" | "Bold Italic" | "Bold" | "Italic" | "Regular"Required

Typography of the title.

fontUnderline: booleanRequired

Determines whether the font should be underlined.

showTitle: booleanRequired

Determines whether the user has opted to show, or hide the title for this action instance.

titleAlignment: "bottom" | "middle" | "top"Required

Alignment of the title.

titleColor: stringRequired

Color of the title, represented as a hexadecimal value.


Occurs when the user taps the touchscreen (Stream Deck +).

type TouchTap = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "touchTap";
    payload: {
        controller: "Encoder";
        coordinates: {
            column: number;
            row: number;
        hold: boolean;
        settings: JsonObject;
        tapPos: [x: number, y: number];
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "touchTap"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: objectRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

controller: "Encoder"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of the action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

hold: booleanRequired

Determines whether the tap was considered "held".

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

tapPos: [x: number, y: number]Required

Coordinates of where the touchscreen tap occurred, relative to the canvas of the action.


Occurs when an action appears on the Stream Deck due to the user navigating to another page, profile, folder, etc. This also occurs during startup if the action is on the "front page". An action refers to all types of actions, e.g. keys, dials, touchscreens, pedals, etc.

type WillAppear = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "willAppear";
        | {
              controller: "Keypad";
              isInMultiAction: true;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
        | {
              controller: "Encoder" | "Keypad";
              coordinates: {
                  column: number;
                  row: number;
              isInMultiAction: false;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "willAppear"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: MultiActionPayload | SingleActionPayloadRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

One of:

controller: "Keypad"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

NB: Requires Stream Deck 6.5 for WillAppear and WillDisappear events.

isInMultiAction: trueRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.

controller: ControllerRequired

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of an action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

isInMultiAction: falseRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.


Occurs when an action disappears from the Stream Deck due to the user navigating to another page, profile, folder, etc. An action refers to all types of actions, e.g. keys, dials, touchscreens, pedals, etc.

type WillDisappear = {
    action: string;
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "willDisappear";
        | {
              controller: "Keypad";
              isInMultiAction: true;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
        | {
              controller: "Encoder" | "Keypad";
              coordinates: {
                  column: number;
                  row: number;
              isInMultiAction: false;
              settings: JsonObject;
              state?: number;
action: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the action as defined within the plugin's manifest (Actions[].UUID) e.g. "com.elgato.wavelink.mute".

context: stringRequired

Identifies the instance of an action that caused the event, i.e. the specific key or dial. This identifier can be used to provide feedback to the Stream Deck, persist and request settings associated with the action instance, etc.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the Stream Deck device that this event is associated with.

event: "willDisappear"Required

Name of the event used to identify what occurred.

payload: MultiActionPayload | SingleActionPayloadRequired

Contextualized information for this event.

One of:

controller: "Keypad"Required

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

NB: Requires Stream Deck 6.5 for WillAppear and WillDisappear events.

isInMultiAction: trueRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.

controller: ControllerRequired

Defines the controller type the action is applicable to. Keypad refers to a standard action on a Stream Deck device, e.g. 1 of the 15 buttons on the Stream Deck MK.2, or a pedal on the Stream Deck Pedal, etc., whereas an Encoder refers to a dial / touchscreen on the Stream Deck +.

coordinates: CoordinatesRequired

Coordinates that identify the location of an action.

column: numberRequired

Column the action instance is located in, indexed from 0.

row: numberRequired

Row the action instance is located on, indexed from 0. NB When the device is DeviceType.StreamDeckPlus the row can be 0 for keys (Keypad), and will always be 0 for dials (Encoder); to differentiate between actions types, cross-check the value of controller found on WillAppear.payload.

isInMultiAction: falseRequired

Determines whether the action is part of a multi-action.

NB. Requires Stream Deck 6.7 when accessed from the property inspector.

settings: JsonObjectRequired

Settings associated with the action instance.

state: numberRequired

Current state of the action; only applicable to actions that have multiple states defined within the manifest.json file.


Plugins can send the following commands to Stream Deck via their WebSocket connection.


Gets the global settings associated with the plugin. Causes DidReceiveGlobalSettings to be emitted.

type GetGlobalSettings = {
    context: string;
    event: "getGlobalSettings";
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "getGlobalSettings"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.


Gets the settings associated with an instance of an action. Causes DidReceiveSettings to be emitted.

type GetSettings = {
    context: string;
    event: "getSettings";
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "getSettings"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.


Logs a message to the file-system.

type LogMessage = {
    event: "logMessage";
    payload: {
        message: string;
event: "logMessage"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.

message: stringRequired

Message to log.


Opens the URL in the user's default browser.

type OpenUrl = {
    event: "openUrl";
    payload: {
        url: string;
event: "openUrl"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.

url: stringRequired

URL to open.


Sends a message to the property inspector.

type SendToPropertyInspector = {
    context: string;
    event: "sendToPropertyInspector";
    payload: JsonValue;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "sendToPropertyInspector"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: JsonValueRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.


Set's the feedback of an existing layout associated with an action instance.

type SetFeedback = {
    context: string;
    event: "setFeedback";
    payload: {};
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "setFeedback"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: FeedbackPayloadRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.


Sets the layout associated with an action instance.

type SetFeedbackLayout = {
    context: string;
    event: "setFeedbackLayout";
    payload: {
        layout: string;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "setFeedbackLayout"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.

layout: stringRequired

Name of a pre-defined layout, or relative path to a custom one.


Sets the global settings associated with the plugin.

type SetGlobalSettings = {
    context: string;
    event: "setGlobalSettings";
    payload: JsonObject;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "setGlobalSettings"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: JsonObjectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.


Sets the image associated with an action instance.

type SetImage = {
    context: string;
    event: "setImage";
    payload: {
        image?: string;
        state?: number;
        target?: Target;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "setImage"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.

image: stringRequired

Image to display; this can be either a path to a local file within the plugin's folder, a base64 encoded string with the mime type declared (e.g. PNG, JPEG, etc.),

state: numberRequired

Action state the command applies to; when no state is supplied, the image is set for both states. Note, only applies to multi-state actions.

target: TargetRequired

Specifies which aspects of the Stream Deck should be updated, hardware, software, or both.


Sets the settings associated with an instance of an action.

type SetSettings = {
    context: string;
    event: "setSettings";
    payload: JsonObject;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "setSettings"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: JsonObjectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.


Sets the current state of an action instance.

type SetState = {
    context: string;
    event: "setState";
    payload: {
        state: number;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "setState"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.

state: numberRequired

State to set; this be either 0, or 1.


Sets the title displayed for an instance of an action.

type SetTitle = {
    context: string;
    event: "setTitle";
    payload: {
        state?: number;
        target?: Target;
        title?: string;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "setTitle"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.

state: numberRequired

Action state the request applies to; when no state is supplied, the title is set for both states. Note, only applies to multi-state actions.

target: TargetRequired

Specifies which aspects of the Stream Deck should be updated, hardware, software, or both.

title: stringRequired

Title to display; when no title is specified, the title will reset to the title set by the user.


Sets the trigger descriptions associated with an encoder action instance.

type SetTriggerDescription = {
    context: string;
    event: "setTriggerDescription";
    payload: {
        longTouch?: string;
        push?: string;
        rotate?: string;
        touch?: string;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "setTriggerDescription"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.

longTouch: stringRequired

Touchscreen "long-touch" interaction behavior description; when undefined, the description will not be shown.

push: stringRequired

Dial "push" (press) interaction behavior description; when undefined, the description will not be shown.

rotate: stringRequired

Dial rotation interaction behavior description; when undefined, the description will not be shown.

touch: stringRequired

Touchscreen "touch" interaction behavior description; when undefined, the description will not be shown.


Temporarily shows an alert (i.e. warning), in the form of an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle, on the action instance. Used to provide visual feedback when an action failed.

type ShowAlert = {
    context: string;
    event: "showAlert";
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "showAlert"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.


Temporarily shows an "OK" (i.e. success), in the form of a check-mark in a green circle, on the action instance. Used to provide visual feedback when an action successfully executed.

type ShowOk = {
    context: string;
    event: "showOk";
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

event: "showOk"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.


Switches to the profile, as distributed by the plugin, on the specified device.

NB: Plugins may only switch to profiles distributed with the plugin, as defined within the manifest, and cannot access user-defined profiles.

type SwitchToProfile = {
    context: string;
    device: string;
    event: "switchToProfile";
    payload: {
        page?: number;
        profile?: string;
context: stringRequired

Defines the context of the command, e.g. which action instance the command is intended for.

device: stringRequired

Unique identifier of the device where the profile should be set.

event: "switchToProfile"Required

Name of the command, used to identify the request.

payload: objectRequired

Additional information supplied as part of the command.

page: numberRequired

Optional page to show when switching to the SwitchToProfile.profile, indexed from 0. When undefined, the page that was previously visible (when switching away from the profile will be made visible.

profile: stringRequired

Name of the profile to switch to. The name must be identical to the one provided in the manifest.