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Property Inspectors (UI)

Property inspectors are HTML web views that provide users with an interface to adjust plugin settings.

Work in progress

The property inspector and its documentation are still in development. The information provided here is subject to change.

Getting Started

Start by creating an HTML file in your ui directory within *.sdPlugin.

Plugin file structure
├── *.sdPlugin/
│   ├── bin/
│   ├── imgs/
│   ├── logs/
│   ├── ui/
│   │   └── increment-counter.html
│   └── manifest.json
├── src/
│   ├── actions/
│   │   └── increment-counter.ts
│   └── plugin.ts
├── package.json
├── rollup.config.mjs
└── tsconfig.json

Add the path to your property inspector HTML file in the action's PropertyInspectorPath property of your manifest file.

Manifest with a property inspector at the action level
    "$schema": "",
    "Name": "Counter",
    "Version": "",
    "Actions": [
            "Name": "Counter",
            "UUID": "com.elgato.hello-world.increment",
            "PropertyInspectorPath": "ui/increment-counter.html"
            // ...
    // ...

There can also be a property inspector declared at the plugin level that will appear for any actions that do not explicitly declare a PropertyInspectorPath.

Manifest with a property inspector at the plugin level
    "$schema": "",
    "Name": "Counter",
    "Version": "",
    "PropertyInspectorPath": "increment-counter.html", 
    "Actions": [
            "Name": "Counter",
            "UUID": "ui/com.elgato.hello-world.increment"
            // ...
    // ...

Use the pre-built components provided by the Stream Deck SDK to add controls to the property inspector. Start by adding the following script tag to your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>


Property inspector HTML
<!doctype html>
	<head lang="en">
		<meta charset="utf-8" />

		<script src=""></script>

		<sdpi-item label="Name">
			<sdpi-textfield setting="name"></sdpi-textfield>
		<sdpi-item label="Show Name">
			<sdpi-checkbox setting="show_name"></sdpi-checkbox>
		<sdpi-item label="Favorite Color">
			<sdpi-select setting="fav_color" placeholder="Please choose a color">
				<option value="red">Red</option>
				<option value="green">Green</option>
				<option value="blue">Blue</option>


The Stream Deck SDK provides a set of components that can be used in property inspectors. These components will provide settings to the plugin when their values change and are designed to match the look and feel of the Stream Deck application.

Checkbox List<sdpi-checkbox-list>
Date<sdpi-calendar type="date">
Datetime (Local)<sdpi-calendar type="datetime-local">
Month<sdpi-calendar type="month">
Time<sdpi-calendar type="time">
Week<sdpi-calendar type="week">

Stream Deck Client

The Stream Deck Client allows the property inspector to communicate directly with the plugin. Once you've included the sdpi-components.js script tag in the property inspector's HTML file, you can reference streamDeckClient from the SDPIComponents namespace.

Property inspector HTML
<!doctype html>
	<head lang="en">
		<meta charset="utf-8" />

		<script src=""></script>

			const { streamDeckClient } = SDPIComponents;

				name: "John Doe",
				showName: true,
				favColor: "green",


To debug the property inspector, developer mode must be enabled. Developer mode is enabled by default when the CLI tool's create command runs, but can also be enabled directly with the dev command.

streamdeck dev

Once enabled, the remote debugger will be available at http://localhost:23654/ with a list of available pages. Select the property inspector's page to debug using the browser's built-in web development tools. In most browsers these tools can be accessed by pressing F12 or the inspect option in the context menu.

Open the property inspector

The property inspector must be visible within Stream Deck for the page to appear in the list of pages availabe for debug.

Utilizing the didReceiveSettings event within the plugin's action may also be useful for debugging settings and the property inspector.

Receive settings callback
import streamDeck, { action, type DidReceiveSettingsEvent, SingletonAction } from "@elgato/streamdeck";

// Define the action's settings type.
type Settings = {
	count: number;

@action({ UUID: "com.elgato.hello-world.counter" })
class Counter extends SingletonAction<Settings> {
	 * Occurs when the application-layer receives the settings from the UI.

	override onDidReceiveSettings(ev: DidReceiveSettingsEvent<Settings>): void {
		// Handle the settings changing in the property inspector (UI).

streamDeck.actions.registerAction(new Counter());