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Actions represent the core functionality provided by your plugin, and are fundamental to all Stream Deck plugins. All interactive physical elements found on a Stream Deck device, for example keys, dials, pedals, etc. are all associated with actions, allowing users to execute your plugin's functionality.

Examples of actions include:

  • Volume control - Wave Link, Volume Controller, Discord, etc.
  • Turning a light on/off - Control Center, Hue, Govee, etc.
  • Controlling music playback - Spotify, Sound Deck, etc.

Types of Actions

There are two Stream Deck action types, also referred to as "controllers", these are:

  • Key - Includes standard Stream Deck keys (buttons), pedals, G-Keys, etc.
  • Dial - A dial and a portion of the touchscreen, found on Stream Deck +.
A screenshot of Stream Deck software displaying the canvas of a Stream Deck +, highlighting the top-right key, and a dial that is comprised of a dial and one quarter of the touchscreen
Supporting action controllers

Your plugin can specify which controllers are supported by each action as part of the action's metadata, allowing the user to assign the action to either a key and/or a dial (aka an encoder).

Action Identifiers

Actions are uniquely identified by their UUID, which is a reverse DNS formatted string that is defined by you, the plugin's author. The UUID of an action must be prefixed by your plugin's UUID. For example:

If your plugin's UUID is com.elgato.hello-world, and your plugin has a "Counter" action, your action's UUID would be com.elgato.hello-world.counter.

Similar to your plugin's UUID, action UUIDs must only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9), hyphens (-), and periods (.).

Do not change UUIDs

Once defined and published, UUIDs must never change. Actions on a Stream Deck canvas are identified by the plugin and action UUIDs at the time of the user adding the action to the canvas. Changing either of these UUIDs will result in the action(s) being removed from the user's configuration which can cause confusion and frustration.

Registering Actions

Actions provided by your plugin are registered in two parts:

  1. The metadata; stored in your plugin's manifest JSON file.
  2. The implementation; registered in the application-layer.


The metadata of your action tells Stream Deck about your action, including:

  • The action's name, description, etc.
  • Which types of controllers are supported (for example keys and/or dials).
  • How your action is displayed to the user in the actions list.

Metadata associated with your plugin's actions are stored within your plugin's manifest as entries within the Actions property. Below is an example of a "Counter" action's metadata in a manifest.

Example of "Actions" within the manifest JSON file
    "$schema": "",
    "UUID": "com.elgato.hello-world",
    "Name": "Hello World",
    "Version": "",
    "Author": "Elgato",
    "Actions": [
            "Name": "Counter",
            "UUID": "com.elgato.hello-world.increment",
            "Icon": "static/imgs/actions/counter/icon",
            "Tooltip": "Displays a count, which increments by one on press.",
            "Controllers": ["Keypad"],
            "States": [
                    "Image": "static/imgs/actions/counter/key",
                    "TitleAlignment": "middle"
    "Category": "Hello World",
    "CategoryIcon": "static/imgs/plugin/category-icon",
    "CodePath": "bin/plugin.js",
    "Description": ".",
    "Icon": "static/imgs/plugin/marketplace",
    "SDKVersion": 2,
    "Software": {
        "MinimumVersion": "6.6"
    "OS": [
            "Platform": "mac",
            "MinimumVersion": "10.15"
            "Platform": "windows",
            "MinimumVersion": "10"
    "Nodejs": {
        "Version": "20",
        "Debug": "enabled"
    "ApplicationsToMonitor": {
        "mac": ["com.elgato.WaveLink"],
        "windows": ["Elgato Wave Link.exe"]
    "Profiles": [
            "Name": "My Cool Profile",
            "DeviceType": 0,
            "Readonly": false,
            "DontAutoSwitchWhenInstalled": false,
            "AutoInstall": true
Hiding actions

Actions defined within the manifest will be visible to the user in the actions list in the Stream Deck app. You can hide specific actions from the user by setting VisibleInActionsList to false in the manifest. Your plugin can utilize its own hidden (or visible) actions as part of pre-configured profiles bundled with your plugin. Hiding actions is also useful for deprecating older actions, without completely removing them.

Action icons

Learn more about creating icons for your plugin as part of our UX guidelines for the actions list.


With your action's metadata defined within the manifest, it is then the responsibility of your plugin's application-layer to provide the implementation, i.e. what your action does when a user interacts with Stream Deck

Actions are represented as single-instance classes that inherit from a SingletonAction. Your action's class then overrides methods to handle events from Stream Deck, for example:

Action class demonstrating the key down event
import streamDeck, { type JsonObject, type KeyDownEvent, SingletonAction } from "@elgato/streamdeck";

 * An action that logs a Stream Deck key press.
export class LogKeyPressAction extends SingletonAction {
	 * Handles the user pressing a Stream Deck key (pedal, G-key, etc).
	 * @param ev Information about the event.
	override onKeyDown(ev: KeyDownEvent<JsonObject>): void | Promise<void> {`Key pressed!`);

Once implemented, your plugin must register the action in the entry file of the application-layer:

Registering actions within the plugin
import streamDeck from "@elgato/streamdeck";

import { LogKeyPressAction } from "./actions/log-key-press";

streamDeck.actions.registerAction(new LogKeyPressAction());
Order of execution

It is important to register all of your plugin's actions before connecting to Stream Deck. As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to call streamDeck.connect() last in the entry file of your plugin.

User interfaces

In addition to an action's Node.js implementation, actions can also have a user interface. More commonly referred to as property inspectors, these user interfaces can allow users to configure the settings associated with your action directly within Stream Deck. Learn more about the architecture of plugins, settings, and property inspectors.

Handling Events

Events are used extensively throughout the Stream Deck SDK, and allow your plugin to react to user interaction on both a hardware and software level.

The diagram below provides an overview of events relating to actions, and their order of invocation. The events emitted are based loosely on how your action is configured, for example property inspector (UI) events will not be emitted for an action that does not have a property inspector associated with it; these events are highlighted with a dashed border.

A diagram that shows the events that can occur for a Stream Deck action, as part of the Stream Deck SDK

The SingletonAction class, that your actions inherit from, contains virtual methods that your class should implement to handle events from Stream Deck, for example onKeyDown, onDialRotate, onWillAppear, etc.

When an event handler is invoked on your action, the event information is supplied as a parameter to provide context, for example:

Callback functions are provided with an event parameter
import streamDeck, {
	type JsonObject,
	type KeyDownEvent,
	type WillAppearEvent,
} from "@elgato/streamdeck";

 * An action that logs a key press.
export class LogKeyPressAction extends SingletonAction {
	 * Handles the action appearing on the canvas.
	 * @param ev Information about the event.
	override onWillAppear(ev: WillAppearEvent<JsonObject>): void | Promise<void> {
		ev.action; // instance of the action the event is for.
		ev.action.device; // device information.
		ev.payload.controller; // type of the action, i.e. key, or dial & touchscreen.

		// etc.

	 * Handles the user pressing a Stream Deck key (pedal, G-key, etc).
	 * @param ev Information about the event.
	override onKeyDown(ev: KeyDownEvent<JsonObject>): void | Promise<void> {`Key pressed!`);

You can persist settings on actions; these settings are provided as part of event arguments and can be accessed via ev.payload.settings.


The following events are found on the SingletonAction class, and apply to both keys and dials.


Occurs when the settings associated with an action instance are requested using Action.getSettings, or when the the settings were updated by the property inspector.

function onDidReceiveSettings?(ev: DidReceiveSettingsEvent): void | Promise<void>


ev: DidReceiveSettingsEvent

Information about the event, including the source action and contextual payload information.


Occurs when the property inspector associated with the action becomes visible, i.e. the user selected an action in the Stream Deck application. See also streamDeck.ui.onDidAppear.

function onPropertyInspectorDidAppear?(ev: PropertyInspectorDidAppearEvent): void | Promise<void>


ev: PropertyInspectorDidAppearEvent

Information about the event, including the source action.


Occurs when the property inspector associated with the action becomes invisible, i.e. the user unselected the action in the Stream Deck application. See also streamDeck.ui.onDidDisappear.

function onPropertyInspectorDidDisappear?(ev: PropertyInspectorDidDisappearEvent): void | Promise<void>


ev: PropertyInspectorDidDisappearEvent

Information about the event, including the source action.


Occurs when a message was sent to the plugin from the property inspector. The plugin can also send messages to the property inspector using Action.sendToPropertyInspector.

function onSendToPlugin?(ev: SendToPluginEvent): void | Promise<void>


ev: SendToPluginEvent

Information about the event, including the source action and contextual payload information.


Occurs when the user updates an action's title settings in the Stream Deck application. See also Action.setTitle.

function onTitleParametersDidChange?(ev: TitleParametersDidChangeEvent): void | Promise<void>


ev: TitleParametersDidChangeEvent

Information about the event, including the source action and contextual payload information.


Occurs when an action appears on the Stream Deck due to the user navigating to another page, profile, folder, etc. This also occurs during startup if the action is on the "front page". An action refers to all types of actions, e.g. keys, dials,

function onWillAppear?(ev: WillAppearEvent): void | Promise<void>


ev: WillAppearEvent

Information about the event, including the source action and contextual payload information.


Occurs when an action disappears from the Stream Deck due to the user navigating to another page, profile, folder, etc. An action refers to all types of actions, e.g. keys, dials, touchscreens, pedals, etc.

function onWillDisappear?(ev: WillDisappearEvent): void | Promise<void>


ev: WillDisappearEvent

Information about the event, including the source action and contextual payload information.


The following commands are available to all actions.


Gets the settings associated this action instance.

function getSettings<U extends JsonObject>(): Promise<U>


Determines whether this instance is a dial.

function isDial(): boolean


Determines whether this instance is a key.

function isKey(): boolean


Sets the settings associated with this action instance. Use in conjunction with Action.getSettings.

function setSettings<U extends JsonObject>(settings: U): Promise<void>


settings: U

Settings to persist.


Temporarily shows an alert (i.e. warning), in the form of an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle, on this action instance. Used to provide visual feedback when an action failed.

function showAlert(): Promise<void>