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Share your Steam Deck plugin with your friends or publish it on Marketplace for everyone to use.


Before packaging a plugin to share, it must be validated to ensure it meets the requirements to work in Stream Deck. You can validate your plugin using the Stream Deck CLI's validate command. This validation includes things like manifest schema validation, file structure, and more.

streamdeck validate com.elgato.hello-world.sdPlugin


Once you have a valid plugin, you can package it into a .streamDeckPlugin file using the Stream Deck CLI's pack command. A .streamDeckPlugin file is an installer that users can double-click to add the plugin to Stream Deck.

streamdeck pack com.elgato.hello-world.sdPlugin

The pack command will also validate the plugin before packaging it.


Become a Maker and publish your plugin on Elgato Marketplace! In addition to increased visibility, Marketplace provides users with automatic updates if you release a new version of your plugin.


The information in the manifest JSON file must be accurate.

  • Name must be unique and accurately represent the plugin's functionality.
  • Description should accurately and completely describe the plugin's functionality.
  • Author Who makes the plugin? (this is a company or developer name).
  • URL must point to the plugin's homepage or README file where users can learn more about it.
  • Icon must be a 500x500 pixels PNG file.


Thorougly test your plugin before submitting it to Elgato Marketplace. Join the Maker Discord and share your plugin to get feedback from beta testers!


Submit your plugins by sending an email to with the following:

  • Download: A link to download the plugin.
  • Release Notes: What changed with the new version of your plugin? (features/bug fixes)
  • Support: Where can users contact you if they have problems? (email, contact form, etc.)
  • Category: Under which category do you want to have your plugin listed in Marketplace.
  • Preview Image: A gallary image for the plugin's page in Marketplace with a resolution of 1920 x 960 pixels.

For more information on submitting your plugin to Marketplace, please refer to our Submission Guidelines.