
Share your plugin.

You can distribute your Stream Deck plugin on Elgato Marketplace or host it yourself. On Marketplace, your plugin becomes discoverable when users interact with the Marketplace shortcut from the Stream Deck app, and updates are handled automatically for your users.


  • The information in the manifest.json must be accurate.

  • Name must be unique and accurately represent the plugin's functionality.

  • Description should accurately and completely describe the plugin's functionality.

  • Author Who makes the plugin? (this is a company or developer name).

  • Version must follow the numeric versioning, for example

  • URL must point to the plugin's homepage or README file where users can learn more about it.

  • Icon must be a 288 x 288 px PNG file.

  • Ensure the plugin meets all the specifications outlined in the style guide.

  • At least 1 preview image must be included in the previews folder. (more details can be found here)

  • Test your plugin thoroughly! If don't have Stream Deck device, you can get started with Stream Deck mobile. Let us know at maker@elgato.com you are working on a plugin and we can extend your free trial.

Publish to Marketplace

Submit your plugins by sending an email to maker@elgato.com with the following:

  • Download: A link to download the plugin.

  • User: A unique username or an email address.

  • Release Notes: What changed with the new version of your plugin? (features/bug fixes)

  • Support: Where can users contact you if they have problems? (email, contact form, etc.)

  • Category: Under which category do you want to have your plugin listed in Marketplace.

For more information on submitting your plugin to Marketplace, please refer to our Submission Guidelines.

Last updated